Index moteefe on on 2020/09/26
Even the place I was contracting at turned me down from each position I interviewed for. But the catch is, the Index moteefe on on 2020/09/26 of those roles, they reached out to me for them. They would approach me saying I would be a great fit, and then take me through the entire interview process. And after a week or so with no updates, out the blue, introduce me to whoever they decided to hire. Anti-Trump fuck Trump 2020 shirt Before you break into my house stand outside and get right with Jesus tell him you're on your way shirt Dinosaur let’s eat kids punctuation saves lives shirt Bill Belichick Patriots established in 1960 shirt Hockey stick or treat pumpkin Halloween shirt House dead millenium grateful shirt Mistlestoned weed Christmas shirts Ruth Bader Ginsburg when injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty tee shirt LTJG Nick Goose Bradshaw Duck Duck Top Gun shirt ZZ top only old people know how to rock signatures shirt Bill Belichick life is gr...